Thursday, April 12, 2007

So Much For Keeping Up With The Blog

Jeez, it seems like every time I commit to keeping up with the blog I run out of stuff to talk about. We've been really busy since the last post, and it seems like there just isn't a lot of time to get the blog in. I have to make myself do it more I guess.

So what have we been up to? Well, a lot of events and travel, which is more time out of the office and away from the computer. I was down in Connecticut for a week trying to recruit some nutmeg staters. That was great. If you are ever in the Fairfield County area and want the best chicken parm sub you have ever tasted, go to Mike's in Fairfield. It's right downtown ironically abutting the plaza in which there is a domino's. Mike's is a Fairfield institution, as any Fairfield resident or Fairfield U. alum will gladly tell you.

We also recently hosted our two accepted student receptions. They seemed to go well, and the surveys we collected reflected that for the most part. Those days are some of the more gratifying days of the year as we get to see faces on campus rather than just names on applications. Seeing someone at one of those receptions after meeting them during the fall or during the spring of their junio year, well, that's why this job is fun.

Another really cool development that happened without any contribution from our office is a facebook page for the incoming UML class of 2011. We're happy to see people excited and forming a "community" even before they get to campus. That is just great stuff. Way to go guys and girls.

Anyway, that's about it for now. I would say I'm going to keep up with the blog, but that hasn't really worked out so well. Just to stay consistent, I'll post a random pic I took last year as I was driving through the North Campus. One of the cool things about our school is that the original buildings are still very heavily used, and a kind of living history is evident everywhere. Here's a great example:

Notice the "Lowell Textile Institute" engraving. I love that stuff.

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