Friday, March 23, 2007

Big Doings at UML

As the title of the post suggests, we've had some big stuff happening around here lately. Last Wednesday we got a new Chancellor of the University, Congressman Martin Meehan, a/k/a, Marty Meehan. For those of you unfamiliar with what a Chancellor is, they are like the CEO or the President of the University. They are immensely important people in terms of the direction of the university. Here is a picture of the announcement on our website:

One of the great things about this announcement is that Marty Meehan is a Lowell native and a UMass Lowell alum who made it big in politics and is deciding to come home. I can't say enough about how excited we are about the possibilities of this announcement. Throughout the process Meehan made it clear that he really and truly knows the university inside and out, and also has a true passion for it. His noted ability to raise funds could be a major plus for the university as we go forward as well. We only have good feelings about this.

Anyway, it was an exciting day. All the major news outlets were there, all the politicians from the area were there, and, of course, all the upper administration for the university was there. That said, we admissions folks got third row seats! Below is Christine, Erin, and Ivan smiling at our good fortune.

Good times. Below are some of those aforementioned tv network cameras.

These pics were taken on a cellphone so they are a little grainy, but it kind of captures the spirit of the thing. (gold star to anyone who gets that movie reference). Thanks to Nikki, one of our fabulous tour guides, for these shots.

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